~“I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose.”~ Woody Allen
Wow-I seem to have misplaced the month of November. One minute it is Halloween and now all of a sudden we are preparing for Christmas. I guess that I have some catching up to do..
Halloween went really well this year-costumes were easy-the kids had a great time...the boys gave me all their candy. that works well for me.
Oscar as the Red Angry Bird |
My boys are more interested in dressing up than in actual trick or treating. To them-the costume is everything. My girls are more like me-driven.They do like dressing up-but they also like getting as much candy as they can fit in their bags..I am probably one of the only adults who spurs her kids on to get to the "good" houses before they ran out of candy. You know, the ones that give out real chocolate-or giant candy bars..After seven years of living here-I know the hot spots. For instance,we always run on over to the local funeral home-because, they give out big candy bars.(.they also have a "parking at your own risk" sign.. which kind of makes me wonder.) As a kid-Halloween was one of my most favorite holidays. It wasn't so much the dressing up as it was the free candy. You have to understand. I grew up in a home where an apple was considered a snack, a treat...sometimes even...gasp! a dessert! So any day that consisted of filling a bag up of free candy-was a good day indeed. I have wonderful memories of trick or treating for hours, going home and counting candy bars with my brother and sister(all of us still in costume)...trading each other for favorites...finding the perfect hiding spot so that my brother wouldn't steal some. Although he always managed to find it....*sigh* Always. I did eventually get him back though (as only a younger sibling can). I won't go into details...lets just say it involved a strategically(and very publicly) placed "Playboy" magazine...and my mother. I may have been younger-but I was oh so much smarter. Maybe it's me..but my kids seem to get along better with each other than I did with my siblings. Sure, the argue and fight...but somehow it just doesn't seem the same. I do know that if I ever found a strategically placed "Playboy" magazine-I would just laugh.. I wouldn't however, stand for candy thievery of any sort! Especially if it were mine That sort of behavior is just not tolerated in this house. .

Thanksgiving rolled around like it always does-right when the kids have finally adjusted to the routine of school. *sigh* Although each year gets a little bit better for us. There was a time when sitting at the table and eating was just not an option..for any of us. Way back then..we were in a different place. We didn't know what was going on with the boys..words like "sensory overload" or "stimming" had no meaning for us. But even in those dark times, I still found myself thankful. We had each other-all of us. We were a family,we held tight to each other and we would and could get through anything. Sleep deprivation..endless screaming and frustration..things that at times pushed me to my limits and beyond..through all of that.. our boys never gave up on us..loved us unconditionally-no matter how many times I may have let them down( through my ignorance of the situation-and my impatience)..they were (and still are)two of the most beautiful beings I could ever have the privilege to parent.So, Thanksgiving has a lot of meaning to me. This year as Omar set out the traditional turkey dinner, and I set out the traditional pizza, I once again thought about how thankful that I was. There I was, surrounded by most of those nearest and dearest to my heart....and we were ALL sitting at the table.
December .
December is a busy busy time for me. I love Christmas. I love getting the kids presents..I ADORE using the threat of calling Santa(for those that still believe) to get good behavior...actually, I start bringing that up in September.It is one of my favorite times of year. Gift giving, cookie baking...all of it-well, except for maybe the annual Christmas concert..(Am I the only parent that loathes these things? Or am I the only one that just openly admits it?) It's a wonderful time (except for the two hours at the concert...AND how could I forget- the two hours spent with the Girl Scouts singing to
victims senior citizens) I am looking forward to the holiday. To some down time spent with the people I love most..It should be wonderful. If by chance it becomes to much-Or I find myself overwhelmed by what needs to be done (think concerts) I still have plenty of Halloween candy left to help carry me through.I keep it hidden in the garage...along with a copy of "Playboy" should my brother decide to come visit...
Loved the post. Thanks for the memories and laughs. Love, Ei
Love that you now have a traditional pizza :) I'm thinking about traditional sausages in this house as part of the Christmas dinner...
just stopping by to say hi
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