~ "My advice to you is not to inquire why or whither, but just enjoy the ice cream while it's on your plate"~Thornton Wilder
So...it's 9:05 on Friday night..and I'm not sure of what to write about-or really "how" to write about all that has been happening these past few weeks. I didn't write last week for the same reasons that I'm having trouble with this week. There has been a lot happening-nothing tragic or bad-just ..just...
Oscar went to camp! He had a wonderful time-BUT, there is more going on with this young man of mine than I even imagined. We are trying to help him figure some things out at the moment-while giving him the respect and space that he needs to process it all. His own way and his own time. It's hard to watch him struggle-but lovely too. He is coming in to his own... |
Part of my house started sinking. Yes-sinking. This picture is of the rotted sill that was holding up this part of the house. So...we had to hire a contractor to "jack up" the house and fix all the problems. I lived in fear that the house would fall on him and I would come home to see only his feet sticking out from underneath-kind of like the wicked witch of the east in "The Wizard Of Oz"..Thankfully that didn't happen. The work should be done in a few more weeks. The only huge problem is...spiders. It seems like all this work has attracted every spider within a five mile radius into my house..well..my bathroom shower to be exact. BUT..only when I am taking a shower. It's really creepy. As soon as I step into the shower..I am surrounded by a bunch of multi-eyed many legged hairy creatures...There I am standing naked-NAKED! in a self imposed two inch space-afraid that if I move one will jump down onto my head-or hit me in the face as it does a Tarzan swing across the shower stall. I am starting to wonder about these spiders...are they laughing at me as I try and contort my body in an attempt to get away from them? Are they filming me? Do spiders have reality t.v. shows? "Shower Hunters"...or maybe it's a game show-and I'm the obstacle course...or worse...do spiders have...fetishes? Am I the victim of some sordid spider porn ring? I think that I'll have Omar clean the bathroom this week...
We decided to get both of our girls evaluated. Anyone who has read this blog knows that we have been having an awful time getting Zoe the things that she needs to make school successful. Our Lily has been having her own issues as well. So, we decided to get an opinion OUTSIDE of school. From someone who had more experience with evaluations and diagnosis-especially when it came to girls. Some of what we have found out was not surprising...Some has knocked us off of our feet. Both Omar and I both know that we are good parents-that we have happy kids-a stable home. We know this. But sometimes, you find things out about your kids-that just stun you. Where you think "How could I have not seen this?!" So, you beat yourself up a bit..wonder about lost opportunities..about what you should/could have been doing. Yes, I know that hind-site is 20/20..and I know that we have done the best that we could with the information that we had. But I think that ALL parents beat themselves up every now and then-it's just part of the job. I'll get over it-I just need to think things through for a bit before I can write clearly.
After a year that included job loss...and then getting another job (that was quite adventurous) We decided that we needed to work for ourselves. So, we bought a franchise of a popular take-out chain in our area. Omar is an amazing business man. It's time that he put all of his talent-and all of his hard work where it belongs. Working for himself. Right now, we are figuring out how to balance a business a family and an impending school year. |
There is just so much that I need to think through right now. I have so many half finished posts..that can't be finished until I know what it is that I want to say.
The important thing is that we are all o.k. We continue to move forward...life is happening for all of us-maybe in ways that we did not expect-but, it is happening nonetheless. Might as well embrace it. I really have nothing to complain about...except maybe spiders...I really don't like spiders...
So many things to comment on
1. This made me LOL" m I the victim of some sordid spider porn ring?"
2. Sorry to hear about the difficulty of hearing about kids issues. you and omar are AMAZING parents- please never beat yourself up
3. Lovely to hear that kid is coming on your own
I don't blame you about the spiders. I really don't.
I'm definitely interested in learning about the girls. I totally relate to the feelings. I know I beat myself up over being "too late" and taking "too long." I still do sometimes.
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